He typically wears close-fitting combat gear in a monochrome palette, thematically linked to popular depictions of ninja. He also bears a black tattoo resembling a stylized kanji for death ( 死, shi ?) on his left shoulder. He has a large X-shaped scar across his face, with the lines crossing between his eyes. Raven is a muscular man with brown skin, brown eyes, and blonde hair, styled in a very short crew cut and with streaks shaved out of it, revealing strips of his bare scalp. Some of this cool leaves him however when confronted with those with whom he has a personal grudge, such as Sergei Dragunov, towards whom he displays some anger. He is cool and level-headed, as shown when calls in for back-up and additional orders if confronted with unexpected situations. Do not take it personally.' He is described as 'ruthless' and rarely let's his emotions come into his decisions. He also reiterates this side of himself in his Tekken 5 and Tekken 6 win quote: 'It's just business. Even after allying with Lars Alexandersson in Tekken 6, he explains to him afterwards that it was an alliance of convenience that extends no further than the business he has now concluded. He is distant and business-like in all his associations. Like all secret agents of the United Nations, his country of origin, real name, and age are all undisclosed. Raven is an enigmatic figure about whom little is known.